Corporate services


Setting up a new company in China is not an easy task.

Best Business Services Qingdao is the ideal partner for all the steps from beginning to end, such as:

  • Feasibility study
  • Location prospects (SEZs, Free trading zones &c.)
  • Bureaucracy
  • Internal rules and organization
  • Suppliers management
  • Product industrialization
  • Hires
  • Tax and legal advice


To find and manage your suppliers in China, you'll like a partner like Best Business Services Qingdao to follow you in the various phases of the process.

  • Initial search
  • Assessment
  • Specifications
  • Samples
  • Preproduction
  • Quality control
  • Preshipment tests

Feasibility studies

Do you have a product that you would like to market in China?

An idea for a new restaurant, coffe shop, delivery service, whatever?

We make preliminary market researches to assess the feasibility of your project.

A popular mistake among entrepreneurs who want to do business in China is to think that something can work well in China just because it works well abroad.

Nothing can be far from truth.

  • The chinese consumer is gaining momentum: true.
  • Young people have money to spend: true.
  • Modern Chinese are curious about new options: true.


Before even thinking about entering the Chinese market, several things have to be taken into consideration: for example the spending habits of the target group, the competition, the cultural background, the differences among the various Chinese regions... and this is only the beginning!


A company is worth as much as the people who work in it.

Best Business Services Qingdao can help you find the right team, from the top management to the workers.

Thanks to a network of professional recruiters, we can provide you the best service since the first startup days.